Guardian Angels News

Pastoral Pearl: To See What God Sees

Posted by MaryPat Potts on

Jesus sends his disciples out to all nations. To every people … Jesus did not provide a short list of who is, or is not worthy of receiving his message and his presence. Instead, he always embraced life as he saw it. In faces of pain, hunger, sickness and sin. In faces of wounds, of thirst, of weariness, doubt, and pity. Far from expecting a pretty life, smartly-dressed and neatly groomed, he embraced life as he found it. ~ Pope Francis (from 365 Daily Meditations with Pope Francis, March 4 & 7)

At first glance this kind of seems like Pope Francis may be leaving out people like you and me.  Those things he points out in this quote are conditions people live with which come directly from the Gospels – the people whom he ministered to while on this earth. I don’t always see myself in this string of words, until I reflect a bit.

I do find myself in pain at times – emotional, physical, even spiritual at times. I am at times sick, and most definitely qualify as being sinful – not always following his will. I guess there are many things I thirst for – including Jesus’ Living Water, and I have my own wounds that follow me throughout my life and color how I respond to life. I do get weary and need Jesus’ life-giving love and strength to carry me. And I do find myself doubting from time to time, not totally trusting.

But aside from trying to see myself in his words, I think Pope Francis is really challenging me to see in people what God sees in them – all kinds of people, not just those with whom I feel comfortable. Sometimes I only see the obvious signs of those “conditions,” – the ones he lists above. I can often fail to look beneath the pain, suffering, sickness, sinfulness, weariness, doubt – to go beyond the pity - to look for their potential, their beauty and own special giftedness; to see Jesus within them, and their God-given and unalterable dignity. Lent challenges me to actually see even the people who are hard to see, and to reach out in Love and prayer and action.

Loving God, open my eyes and my heart to see your face within the faces of those who struggle,

and those whom I do not even see because it makes me uncomfortable.

Inspire me to prayer and action, seeing their potential, their giftedness, their God-given dignity.

May I do your will always, even when it’s challenging.

~ Amen



Healing Hearts Grief Support Group begins a new 8-week series on THIS COMING Monday - March 4th and goes through Aprill 22nd - for those wanting some help to face and work through their grief after having lost someone close to them. If you are someone who still is struggling or feeling off-balance since the death of a loved one, or are experiencing any kind of great Loss, please consider trying this out. We will meet In-Person.   All are welcome.  One participant writes:  If you're experiencing any kind of grief, I hope you'll consider joining this group.  You're welcome to join in discussions or just listen but always, it's with a compassionate group who understand your pain.  There's an occasional tear but quite often, a lot of laughter as we remember our loved ones and the life we once shared.  It's about learning to live a new life going forward with Jesus Christ watching over us while going through this difficult journey.  ~ J       

We will have a DAYtime AND an EVENING opportunity! Now you can feel the safety and support of this kind of group at a time that fits your schedule.  Both will meet for  8 MONDAYS in a row,   either at 12:30-2:00pm, or at 6:30-8:00pmPlease give us a try if you are grieving.                                                       Contact MaryPat Potts   651-789-3178 /                                                  *We need MORE folks for the EVENING offering.




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