Fall Speaker Series - Uganda Mission

Fall Speaker Series - Uganda Mission

Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Wednesday, 10/25, 6:00 p.m. in Family Room

Uganda Missionaries, speakers Steve & Debbie Nutzmann, Zoom & in person


We are Gideon and Dr. Joy Ngobi of Uganda and Steve and Debbie Nutzmann of the United States.

Steve and Debbie are serving in Uganda as second career missionaries since 2018. They are doing Kingdom Business Training and starting small to medium enterprises that fill a felt need in Uganda under their NGO Ekisinga Ministries. Learn about us and our work in Uganda. https://www.ekisinga.com/home or https://globaloutreach.org/giving/project-details/ekisinga-publishing-nutzmann

Gideon and Dr. Joy live in Roseville, MN. Both born in Uganda and immigrated to Minnesota in 1994. They have a passion to serve their Ugandan community by providing access to the written word, bible stories and other information in their indigenous, local languages. They want to encourage the concept of stewardship of the culture and facilitate the transmission of values through the written word. 

Gideon and Dr. Joy are founders of a nonprofit called the Hope Institute of Uganda - that partner with other nonprofits, churches, and community groups to improve outcomes for those at risk and most vulnerable. They have achieved great results over the past 20 years through medical missions, vocational training and working with local artisans. They are looking for more ways to reach people where the need is the greatest now through publishing.

The 4 of us are working together to raise funds for a publishing system.  Once just a dream now turned into reality that will impact generations to come. The ability to read, own books, and publish culturally appropriate materials should not be reserved for only the wealthy.

Please consider partnership with us to publish books locally in Uganda, grow the culture of reading and writing and investing in Uganda’s greatest asset, it’s people.

Blessed, to be a blessing, Dr. Joy, Gideon, Steve, and Debbie

100 book challenge 

Dear readers,

If you are like the average adult, you will read approximately 709 books in your lifetime. Experts say a child should read over 1 million words before he goes to kindergarten.  It has been said in America on average a child owns 100 books by the time she reaches 5 years old!

But what if there were no books? That is the case for the majority world. 1 billion people in the world cannot read this sentence. This includes 1 in 4 children worldwide. In sub-Saharan Africa, 88% of children are not meeting minimum proficiency in literacy.

That is why 7 years ago our dream of bringing a publishing company to Uganda is still strong TODAY! We don’t want to complain about problems, we want to be part of the solution. To reach those who would never have a chance to own even 1 book or read a bible in their own vernacular.

You too can be the solution. By January 1, 2024, we have a goal to raise $80,000 to purchase a complete publishing system from http://publish4all.com/, train staff and buy a year’s worth of supplies for book making.

Along with our Ugandan partners Gideon & Dr. Joy Ngobi we will travel throughout the months of October and November to speak about the importance of books, literacy and helping to equalize the playing field by working to eradicate extreme poverty.

You can begin immediately with the *100 book challenge*

 Here is how it works. In your home, church or office count all the books you have. Then pray and consider donating $1 for each book you own. 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go to help others to reach their literacy potential and be all that God has intended them to be.

  • Think outside the box, challenge your local schools, teachers, churches, small groups, neighbors, and friends to get involved in the 100-book challenge and help bring books to those living in extreme poverty.
  • Pray for all those who have yet to receive the written Word in their mother tongue or own a single book.
  • Read more about Ekisinga Publishing https://www.ekisinga.com/home

GIVE: https://globaloutreach.org/campaign/654006/100Book

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