Guardian Angels News

AEDs Save Lives

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AEDs -  Automated External Defibrillators

Did you know that GA has three AEDs?

Where? One in the back of Church, one in Peter O’Neill Hall, and one next to the elevator on the first floor (lower level).

What are they for? They are used when a person is having a sudden heart attack, so that an electrical shock could interrupt and reset it.

Is it hard to use? No. They are east to use, with user-friendly Instructions with each AED. It is critical that an AED gets to the person and is used within 3-5 minutes to preserve life.

What can I do? Take a moment to locate the AEDs, in case someone near you needs help. In conjunction with CPR it can save lives.

In case this speaks to you: For a church our size, we would benefit from having two additional units to cover open areas and reduce time to pick up a unit and get to the person in need. Contact MaryPat to learn more.


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