Guardian Angels News

All Saints: A Celebration of the Universal Call to Holiness

Posted by Father Joe Connelly on

On November 1st each year, Catholics around the world celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints, one of the Church’s Holy Days of Obligation. This feast is a powerful reminder of our universal call to holiness and our connection to the countless men and women who have gone before us, living lives of extraordinary faith and virtue.

What Is the Solemnity of All Saints?

All Saints’ Day is a celebration of all the saints, known and unknown, who now share in the glory of heaven. Unlike feast days dedicated to specific saints, this solemnity honors the vast multitude of holy men and women who may not be officially canonized but are united with Christ in the fullness of His eternal kingdom. It includes not only famous saints such as St. Francis of Assisi or St. Teresa of Ávila but also those humble souls who lived quietly heroic lives in fidelity to the Gospel.

The Origin of All Saints’ Day

The practice of honoring all the saints dates back to the early centuries of the Church. The original celebration began as a commemoration of martyrs—those who gave their lives for Christ in the face of persecution. By the 9th century, Pope Gregory IV established November 1st as the official date to celebrate all saints, broadening the feast to include not only martyrs but also all the faithful departed who lived holy lives.

Why Is It a Holy Day of Obligation?

As Catholics, we are obligated to attend Mass on All Saints’ Day, recognizing the importance of celebrating the triumph of God’s grace in the lives of His saints. It reminds us that holiness is possible for each of us, regardless of our state in life. The saints serve as examples of the Christian life and encourage us to strive for sanctity in our daily walk with Christ. Through their intercession, they also help us to grow in virtue, strengthen us in our struggles, and inspire us to deepen our love for God and neighbor.

Mass Times for All Saints’ Day

To honor this special day, two Masses will be celebrated in the main church: an 8:30 AM Mass and a 6:00 PM Mass. This gives all parishioners the opportunity to come together in worship, reflecting on the lives of the saints and their call to holiness. Whether attending in the morning or evening, we come as one body to celebrate our faith and seek the intercession of all the saints.

The Universal Call to Holiness

The Second Vatican Council reemphasized the Church’s teaching on the universal call to holiness. All Saints’ Day brings this truth to the forefront: sanctity is not reserved for the few but is a call for all the baptized. Whether we are single, married, religious, or clergy, each of us is invited to grow in holiness by embracing God’s will in our lives and by following in the footsteps of those who have gone before us.

On this day, we reflect on the words of Jesus in the Beatitudes, which are often read at Mass on All Saints’ Day: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven... Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:3-12). These words outline the path to sainthood, showing us how to live out our faith in humility, mercy, purity, and peacemaking.

Praying for the Communion of Saints

All Saints’ Day reminds us of the “communion of saints”—the spiritual solidarity between the Church on earth, the Church in purgatory, and the Church in heaven. This profound bond unites us with those who have attained eternal glory, encouraging us to seek their intercession and follow their example.

As we attend Mass on this Holy Day of Obligation, we are invited to remember that we too are part of this great communion. We pray for the grace to persevere in faith, to love more deeply, and to grow in holiness so that, one day, we may join the saints in heaven and behold God face to face.


The Solemnity of All Saints is more than just a day to remember the holy men and women of the past. It is a day to be inspired by their witness, to seek their prayers, and to recommit ourselves to the pursuit of holiness. As we honor all the saints in heaven, may we be encouraged to live out our baptismal call with greater fervor, trusting that the same grace that led them to eternal life is also at work in us.

Please join us for Mass on this Holy Day of Obligation, either at 8:30 AM or 6:00 PM in the main church.

In Christ,

Fr. Joe Connelly



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