Guardian Angels News

From Deacon Will: Transition Note

Posted by Will Pitts on

Dear Beloved Parishioners of Guardian Angels,

As I transition in my assignment as permanent deacon for The Church of Saint Peter Claver, I want to take this opportunity to say, “Thank You” to everyone that has played any part in my journey of faith. Please know that wherever my future ministries may take me, Guardian Angels is and will always be the church I call home.

Guardian Angels is where I was introduced to the Catholic faith and the richness of its liturgies. It is where I was accepted and welcomed by the late Fr. Bill Martin, with whom I developed a deep and lasting friendship. It is where Sue and I were married on September 11, 2004. It is where I joined the RCIA a month later, and where I was baptized at the Great Easter Vigil on March 25, 2005. It is where the seed of desire to serve God and the Church was planted. Ultimately, Guardian Angels is where I will take my final rest when my work for the Lord is done.

Guardian Angels is the vibrant, faith-filled community that allowed me to participate in several ministries and to share my gifts. It has been the source of inspiration for many of the songs I have composed and of all of them, none has been more special than the very first song I composed after my baptism. Entitled, When I Leave This Holy Place, the words and sentiments are as strong now as they have ever been.  A YouTube video is found via the following link: When I Leave This Holy Place (

Saint Peter Claver is currently in the midst of a renovation project, with new flooring and new pews being added to the sanctuary – which will hopefully be completed in late August. For now, Mass is being held in the lower-level social hall.

Once the project has been completed and my schedule has been finalized I will share it with this community along with an invitation to come worship with us. Until then, please know that you will always be in my prayers and in my heart. May God bless each and every one of you!

With Gratitude & Love, Deacon Will Pitts



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