Guardian Angels News

From Father Joe: The Dangers of Subjectivism

Posted by Father Joe Connelly on

The Dangers of Subjectivism: A Catholic Perspective

Subjectivism, the belief that truth and morality are determined by individual feelings and opinions, has become increasingly prevalent in today's society. This philosophical standpoint can have profound and far-reaching consequences, particularly for those who adhere to the teachings of the Catholic Church. In this article, we will explore the dangers of subjectivism from a Catholic perspective and examine how it challenges the foundations of faith, morality, and human dignity.

1. The Challenge to Objective Truth

Catholicism has always upheld the existence of objective truth as a fundamental pillar of its belief system. Objectivity is essential because it provides a stable foundation for moral and doctrinal teachings. Subjectivism, however, threatens this objective truth by suggesting that it is subjective and malleable, contingent upon personal perspectives.

The danger here is that subjectivism can undermine the absolute truths central to Catholic doctrine, such as the divinity of Christ, the sanctity of life, and the moral imperatives outlined in the Ten Commandments. When truth becomes subjective, it is no longer universal and timeless, making it difficult to maintain the integrity of faith.

2. Moral Relativism

Subjectivism often leads to moral relativism, a belief that morality is a matter of personal choice. From a Catholic perspective, moral relativism poses significant dangers. The Church's teachings on the sanctity of life, the dignity of every human being, and the importance of living virtuous lives are grounded in a belief in objective moral values.

When subjectivism prevails, moral relativism follows, allowing individuals to justify actions that are incompatible with Catholic moral principles. This can lead to a society where moral boundaries are blurred, making it difficult to establish a just and virtuous community.

3. Erosion of Tradition and Authority

Subjectivism can also undermine the authority of the Catholic Church and erode the importance of tradition. In Catholicism, the Magisterium – the teaching authority of the Church – plays a crucial role in interpreting and preserving the deposit of faith. When subjectivism becomes dominant, individuals may start to view tradition and the Magisterium as mere human constructs, open to interpretation and change according to personal preferences.

The erosion of tradition and authority can result in a fragmented Church, where different factions interpret the faith in ways that suit their subjective desires. This challenges the unity and stability of the Church as a whole.

4. Loss of Human Dignity

Catholicism places a profound emphasis on the inherent dignity of every human being, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Subjectivism, with its individualistic approach, can potentially devalue human dignity. When personal feelings and opinions become the ultimate arbiters of truth and morality, the recognition of the intrinsic worth of every human person may diminish.


In a world increasingly influenced by subjectivism, the Catholic Church faces numerous challenges. Subjectivism threatens the very foundations of objective truth, moral principles, tradition, and human dignity that are central to the Catholic faith. It is essential for Catholics to engage in thoughtful and respectful dialogue with those who espouse subjectivism while upholding the timeless teachings of the Church as a beacon of truth and morality in a world that often drifts towards relativism and uncertainty. By doing so, the Church can continue to proclaim the Good News and preserve the sanctity of its teachings for future generations.

In Christ, 

Fr. Joe Connelly



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