Guardian Angels News

New Faith Formation coming this Fall!

Posted by Lukas Steffensmeier on

Fall is on its way and that means Faith Formation is returning! Guardian Angels is excited to be offering a new program this year called Family Formation. This program has a new vision with new vitality for our parish.

It does, however, call for a paradigm shift. At the root of this change is a fuller understanding of the Church’s call for parents to be the primary educators of their children in faith and the parish’s role to support families in this mission. National trends in catechesis are guiding parishes towards this model and parishes that have implemented Family Formation are reporting a stronger knowledge and practice of the faith - in both parents and children. 

Family Formation will replace the weekly Wednesday evening elementary classes. Instead, this program will meet on the 1st & 3rd Sundays between the masses. At these sessions, children gather with a teacher by grade while parents receive catechesis based on the monthly theme and guidance on the home lessons. This program’s unique format will draw your family together through its creative, yet simple concepts. Lessons are written at an elementary level but have adult level instruction to guide and enhance teaching. Parents do not have to be experts, just willing to devote about one hour per week to quality family time in sharing the faith.

Understanding the reality of busy family schedules, the weekly lessons can be adapted to your own family schedule. The   lessons will provide the backbone for your children’s faith formation in these formative years. This comprehensive program not only engages young children, it draws families together. Ultimately, this program is centered on empowering parents and families to live out the faith in practical ways at home in their daily lives.

To answer any questions or concerns, there will be an information session after the early Mass on Sunday, August 18 at 9:45 a.m. in Holy Family Room.


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