Guardian Angels News

Pastoral Pearls: Actions and the Gospel

Posted by MaryPat Potts on

We help, we lead others to Jesus with our words and our lives, with our witness. I like to recall what St. Francis of  Assisi used to say to the Friars:

“Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary use words.”  

~ Pope Francis from 365 Daily Meditations with Pope Francis, June 7

When I think about how I highlight Jesus’ goodness and love, I know myself well enough to realize that I am not particularly comfortable preaching the Good News of Jesus to other people. That may be because whenever I’ve been preached to I tend to rebel or feel like my choice has been taken away. Using words to show Jesus to the world, isn’t right for me. Trying to live my life in ways that share God’s love, and bring life to people is definitely my preferred way.

This quote reminds me to pay attention to the words I say and the actions I take, to check that they are reflecting God’s love and the Good News. Words and actions always impact people around me. I need to decide how I want to impact those around me. I have to admit, I’ve not been checking my words and actions all the time. I just speak, and I just act.

Many times God’s love and the Good News do come through in my words and actions, despite my inattentiveness. But am I doing this with intentionality? When life gets busy and chaotic, (and doesn’t it seem like it always is?!) I am not always aware of how my words and actions impact other people, though that has always been important to me.

Maybe I can just go back to the old saying, “What would Jesus Do? WWJD?” If I can use something as simple as that to measure my words and actions, I would have an easier time of it, and that would be intentional. Or I could say, “How am I preaching the Gospel” with these words or actions. Both simple but potentially effective for guiding what I say and do.

And then I can invite the Holy Spirit to guide me in what I say and do. Just a quick prayer, even in my mind. This would help me to be a faithful, attentive, intentional servant of God, shining God’s love and the Gospel to all those around me. And yet it’s subtle and not presumptuous. I got this!

As the book says, “Where would my witness lead others - my words & example?... God wants us to be merciful, kind, and forgiving, even to those who are not kind in return.” So maybe it’s better to say, “We’ve got this – the Holy Spirit and I together!”

Loving God,

Guide my actions and my words to show to others the enticing glory and compassion of Jesus.

May Christ’s light shine through me in all I do and say.

Remind me to be attentive to what I am projecting and how it is affecting the people around me.

May what I say and do lead people closer to you, Jesus.  

~ Amen



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