Guardian Angels News

Pastoral Pearls: Choosing Positivity

Posted by MaryPat Potts on

Negativity is contagious but so is positivity; desperation is contagious but so is joy: Do not follow negative people but continue to radiate light and hope around you! And know that hope doesn’t disappoint, it never deludes! ~ Pope Francis from 365 Daily Meditations with Pope Francis, March 12

I love this! I like to think I am a positive person. It is so fun to be positive. But in reality, I am just as susceptible as the next person to fall into gossip, complaining, pointing out what people are doing wrong, even being desperate about whatever I think needs to be done or had. Oof! And I even know what that feels like from others – negative Nellies - and would rather not hear about it. But it is contagious – I can’t seem to help myself. And I know how it makes me feel when I focus on the negatives – blue, and gray, and heavy. So why do it? I just get pulled along, I guess – to belong?

It is time – thank you Lent – to adjust my attitude, dig in my heals a bit more against any flow of negativity that somehow tempts me. I need to embrace the positivity – for the sake of others, but also for myself. I do not want to lose myself in negativity that just sucks life out of everyone. Positivity is life-giving! Joy is life-giving! Both are more powerful than negativity and desperation, but they require intentionality – where I am choosing life. So I am stating here and now – I choose life and life-giving!

Loving God, fill me with your Spirit of positivity and joy.

Let these be my shield against the temptations of flowing with the negativity and desperation around me.

Work through me to be life-giving in all I say and do, so I may be participating in spreading your great love.

~ Amen


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