Guardian Angels News

Pastoral Pearls: Mindful Pause

Posted by MaryPat Potts on

Cami Smalley calls this the “Mindful Pause,” and wrote a wonderful book by that name. It speaks to me because I tend to rush along with life, and at times end up tumbling along with life, or tripping over everything flying around in my life, or reacting to life’s curveballs. I’m missing the mindful pause, the breath that settles me and grounds me and opens me up to hearing God.

Why do I settle for life making choices for me rather than honoring the intentionality and thoughtfulness that the Holy Spirit encourages, if I just make the space to really listen? I am drawn to the power of the “or” in this poem – I don’t have to settle for the first emotion that comes my way (hate, anger, frustration, loneliness, irritation.) I can choose another, more powerful and loving response, if I just wait a beat, take a deep breath, take a moment, to ponder my motivation – love, empathy, opportunity, together, understanding. That second list of words is what I naturally prefer – much more upbeat, forward moving, and enjoyable. And yet, so often I overlook these, finding myself stuck or stalled out by the knee-jerk reactions that present themselves first. I miss God’s nudge, God’s tickle, God’s invitation.

The power of the pause is time to put things into perspective, see the bigger picture, tune into the emotions and possible ramifications of my actions and choose. I hope to learn to take the time, the breath, the reflection that allows me to really be choosing Life – for myself and everyone impacted by my choices.

I intend to embrace the pause, enjoy the pause.

Loving God, help me to take a moment to pause before my decisions.

Let your voice be loud, so I can hear you in the Pause before I make a decision.

May I slow down enough to choose life-giving responses to what life puts in my path.

Holy Spirit help me to be intentional, be true to my values, be mindful of what influences my decision and how my decision might impact others.

May I find you in the Pause.

~ Amen



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