Guardian Angels News

Pastoral Pearls: Money Has to Serve

Posted by MaryPat Potts on

Money has to serve, not rule! ~ Pope Francis (from 365 Daily Meditations with Pope Francis, March 20)

One of the pillars of Lent is Almsgiving. For me, this is a real good reminder to reflect a bit on what my relationship with money is like. Pope Francis challenges me with this short but sweet emphasis on the purpose of money. Is my money being spent to really serve other people? Or might money actually be ruling me? Is it too much in my thoughts? Tempting me to wonder what I can get for myself as well as for others? What am I really willing to give to others?

Sometimes the Almsgiving of Lent is more about feeling like I’ve honored an obligation, or it is something that makes me feel real good, but I certainly do not usually give till it hurts. And all too often I am just worried about where the money for this or that is going to come from, rather than trusting that God will have my best interest in mind and provide for me what I need, when I need it? I think I would rather call the shots – I need this much now, for this particular purpose. But, who am I fooling – if I worry about money, it is ruling me, and I am not putting my faith in God.

My friend that I told you about – the one who is dying – has always been the most amazing example to me of faithfulness to God. She lives incredibly simply, with her own needs being met by GoodWill, or any thrift store, while her primary concern is always what charities she can support. A bike gets her around just as well as a car could, so she has no car. How many of us could say that? Being her Trustee it has been astonishingly clear that her priority is always who most needs her money – whether a charity or a person trying to be the first to make it through college or med school or to run their own mission. As a marathon runner, she strives (and always makes it) to run the Boston Marathon for her Hole-in-the-Wall Gang of disabled children. Otherwise the marathon has no meaning to her. It took considerable convincing to get her to allow me to use her trust money first for her own needs as she is dying, and then for giving to her charities. She always causes me to reflect on my own giving behaviors, relationship with money, and commitment to trusting in God to provide.

Now… Lent… is the time for me to discern – is my money ruling me, or how I am using the money God provides for me to serve others?

Loving God, thank you for providing me with all the financial support I truly need.

Help me separate my need from my fears.

Open my heart to your bounty and to your call to use what money you have gifted me to help and serve others around me who may have real needs.

May I give freely and lovingly, trusting that you will always provide what I need.

~ Amen


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