Guardian Angels News

Pastoral Pearls: To Become Saints

Posted by MaryPat Potts on

­If we – all of us – accept the grace of Jesus Christ, he changes us from sinners to saints. To become holy, we do not need to turn our eyes away and look somewhere else, or have, as it were, the face on a holy card! No, no, that is not necessary. To become saints, only one thing is necessary: to accept the grace which the Father gives us in Jesus Christ.

more of the Pope’s words…                                       

The Saints were not superhuman. They were people who loved God in their hearts, and who shared this joy with others. ~ Pope Francis from 365 Daily Meditations with Pope Francis, June 1 + May 17

I find the Communion of Saints to be comforting – we, as Christians, are connected with all of those Christians who have gone to heaven before us. It is so easy to think of Saints as untouchably holy, but when you really look into them and their stories you find that these Saints were not perfect, either. Many lived rather nefarious lives before their conversion to Christianity. Upon conversion their faith became so strong as to touch many people’s lives with inspiration at what they would accomplish through their faith. Many dealt with debilitating illnesses or handicaps, wherein their faith was amazing as it fueled them to write or preach or serve or minister to people in various ways.

Their lives and their witness to living faith makes them such a powerful inspiration and role model for me. Knowing that I am far from perfect, I can know that God can work even through me. I know I can ask these Saints to intercede with me to God for something that I feel I need, but really, I strive to accept God’s grace as they did, to follow God’s will and mission for me the best I can, and to strengthen my faith in God so much that I may be able to positively impact others as well. I want to be one of those people who love God in their hearts and share that joy with others. I don’t have to be a Saint to be a small “s” saint.

So how can I show my “saintliness?”  First, I can spend more time reading scripture, and in prayer, and maybe writing about how these words apply to me in my life. I can look inward and pay attention to that still, small voice in my heart that is God guiding me. I can ask for God’s guidance before I speak or act or make a decision, rather than forge ahead thinking I am in control of everything. I can let the light of God’s love and all that I know of God through my prayer and faith, shine outward, in ways that show God’s love and message of how to live in love, with the world around me. I can find ways to serve people, accepting God’s grace and using this grace in the form of my own God-given strengths to advantage, highlighting God’s compassion. I can put God first in my life, follow where he leads me and share his heavenly joy with everyone.

Loving God,

May you bestow on me the wisdom to turn inward to my heart and listen for your guidance; the courage to accept your grace for me, and the strength and creativity to use this grace to serve others and shine your light.

Thank you for blessing me in so many ways and with so many gifts which I can share with others.

Show me how to live in a saintly way, to bring out your joy within other people.

~ Amen



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