Guardian Angels News

Rectory Space to Support Discernment and Vocations

Posted by Father Joe Connelly on

For several months, the parish council has been in discussion about how best to utilize the rectory space. After careful consideration, we have decided to pursue the option of renting some of the rooms to men who have recently completed their service with NET Ministries and are discerning their future in the Church. This will provide a prayerful environment for them as they transition from missionary work into public life.

Additionally, we are in ongoing talks with the Archdiocese about the possibility of renting other rooms in the rectory to men discerning a call to the priesthood. This option is still being discussed with the Vocations Office, and we will keep the parish updated as the conversation progresses. We are excited to see how these opportunities will serve both our parish and the wider Church.

In Christ, Fr. Joe Connelly


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