Guardian Angels News

Safety Tips

Posted by Anne Erickson on

 The local news is full of stories involving stolen cars, break-ins, assaults, and other crimes. Here are ideas of how to keep our church, home, car, and person safer. These recommendations may seem ‘common sense,’ but crimes are committed against people who ignore them.

  • Do not be an easy target. Do not leave an unattended car running for any reason. Criminals are always on the watch for this. Local communities have had a rash of car thefts because of people leaving their cars running, their keys / fobs visible on the front seat or leaving their garage doors open.
  • Always be engaged in situational awareness. Keep attention on everything around you from cars, to buildings, to people. Make non-hostile eye contact.
  • Walk with your head straight and look at people on walks, the street, parking lots. You will be less likely to be surprised by others.
  • Always keep your head up and do not text while walking. Also, limit your phone conversations while you are walking so you would be less distracted.
  • Do not walk with both ear buds in your ears listening to music. You should be attentive to cars and people and vigilant to anything approaching you.
  • Lock your car doors as soon as you enter or exit your vehicle. Drive with your doors locked even if you do not have anything of value in the car. Remember you are valuable!
  • Do not stop to aid a motorist by the side of the road. Instead, make a phone call requesting help for them.
  • Protect the perimeter at Guardian Angels. Be alert to potential situations in our parking lot; the vulnerability of unlocked / unsupervised entrances; awareness of behaviors that may escalate (agitation, anxiety, anger).
  • If you see something – say something. Report anything that seems out of place. Call 911 if a crime has been committed. According to law enforcement, people may not report crimes or suspicious behavior because they are unsure or   may not want to be involved.

By being situationally aware, you may avoid being a victim of crime and we can all have a safer community.


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