Guardian Angels News

Tempus per Annum & The Holy Name of Jesus

Posted by Deacon Michael Braun on

On Monday we enter into Tempus per Annum, which is Latin and translated literally is means “Time of the Year”. In the Roman Missal the Church translates this into Ordinary Time. This Sunday is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Next Sunday will be the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. There isn’t a first Sunday of Ordinary time since ordinary time starts on the Monday after the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

The Church defines Ordinary as meaning usual or normal. Today ordinary can sometimes mean inferior, below average, or plain but that is not the case with Ordinary Time in the Church. The USCCB tells us that Ordinary Time takes us through the life of Christ. It is the time of conversion and a living the life of Christ.

January is also the month that the Catholic Church dedicates to the Holy Name of Jesus. The name of Jesus in Hebrew means, God is Salvation or God Saves. Scripture tells us that the angel Gabriel said, “you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins”. Mt 1:21

There is power in the Holy Name of Jesus. St Luke tells us that there is no other name under heaven by which we are to be saved. (Acts 4:12) and St Paul says, at the name of Jesus every knee should bend. (Phil 2:10) This power comes from the great humility that Jesus showed by becoming a man and suffering death on the cross. Every time we say the name of Jesus, we should call to mind this great love and humility that Jesus offered for our salvation. 

The name of Jesus is light for our instruction, food for prayer, and medicine for our healing. Praying the Holy Name of Jesus is a powerful prayer. The name of Jesus can be a short prayer for guidance or help in any situation. We can pray the name of Jesus for strength, for protection, and for peace. It can also be used as a prayer for meditation, just praying “Jesus” over and over.

St Elizabeth Ann Seton reminds us, “Let us always whisper his name of love as the antidote to all the discord that surrounds us. The harmony of heaven begins as we again and again repeat it; Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”.

We should always speak the name of Jesus with reverence. Praying the name of Jesus should never be mindless. The name of Jesus isn’t magical. When we pray the name of Jesus, we are calling on a living person, someone who loves us and gave himself for us.

A partial indulgence for sin is given for the reverential invocation of the Holy Name of Jesus as part of prayer, and for the recitation of the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.

Most loving and merciful Jesus place your Holy Name deep in our hearts. Help us to love You always. Praise be the name of Jesus now and forever.

Deacon Michael Braun 




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