Guardian Angels News

The Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus

Posted by Father Joe Connelly on

The Catholic Church celebrates the Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus on July 29th. This feast day honors three siblings from Bethany, who were close friends of Jesus and prominent figures in the New Testament. Their lives provide profound examples of faith, service, and discipleship.

Martha: The Model of Service

Martha is often remembered for her active service and hospitality. In the Gospel of Luke (10:38-42), we find her busy with the preparations while Jesus is visiting. Her sister Mary sits at Jesus' feet, listening to Him. Martha, feeling overwhelmed, asks Jesus to tell Mary to help her. Jesus gently rebukes her, saying, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her."

This passage highlights Martha's dedication to service, which is a vital aspect of Christian life. Her encounter with Jesus teaches us that while service is important, it should not distract us from the presence of God and the necessity of spiritual nourishment.

In the Gospel of John (11:1-44), Martha's faith shines during the story of the raising of Lazarus. When Jesus arrives in Bethany after Lazarus has died, Martha expresses her faith in Jesus, saying, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you." Her declaration of faith leads to the miraculous raising of Lazarus, reinforcing her role as a woman of strong belief and trust in Jesus.

Mary: The Contemplative Disciple

Mary of Bethany, known for her contemplative nature, is depicted in several key Gospel scenes. In Luke 10:38-42, she sits at Jesus' feet, absorbing His teachings. This act of sitting and listening represents the contemplative aspect of the Christian life, focusing on prayer, reflection, and the word of God.

In John 12:1-8, Mary anoints Jesus' feet with costly perfume and wipes them with her hair. This act of devotion signifies her deep love and reverence for Jesus, prefiguring His burial. Jesus commends her action, saying, "Leave her alone. She bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial."

Mary's contemplative actions remind us of the importance of dedicating time to be in the presence of God, expressing our love and devotion through prayer and worship.

Lazarus: The Witness of Resurrection

Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, is primarily known for being raised from the dead by Jesus. This miracle, recorded in John 11, is a powerful testament to Jesus' authority over life and death and foreshadows His own resurrection. Lazarus' return to life serves as a witness to the power and glory of God.

After his resurrection, Lazarus becomes a living testimony to Jesus' miraculous power. In John 12:9-11, we read that many people came to see both Jesus and Lazarus, and because of Lazarus, many believed in Jesus. His life after being raised from the dead serves as a symbol of the new life that Jesus offers to all who believe in Him.

The Importance of This Memorial

The Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus is significant for several reasons. It highlights the different dimensions of discipleship: active service, contemplative prayer, and the witness of faith. These three siblings collectively embody the fullness of the Catholic life, showing us that our journey with Christ includes a balance of action, contemplation, and testimony.

By honoring Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, the Church encourages us to emulate their virtues in our own lives. Martha teaches us to serve others with dedication, Mary invites us to deepen our relationship with God through prayer, and Lazarus reminds us of the hope and new life we have in Christ.


The Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus offers us rich examples of faith and discipleship. As we reflect on their lives, we are inspired to cultivate a balanced spiritual life that includes service, contemplation, and a powerful witness to the resurrection. May their intercession guide us to grow closer to Jesus and live out our faith with renewed fervor and devotion.


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