Guardian Angels News

Tips for Honoring Advent 3

Posted by MaryPat Potts on

Tips for honoring Advent (by Tracey E. Herzer, from the Pastoral Center, with permission)

Expectations or Expectant Waiting?  What do you expect at Christmastime/Advent? 

We often approach Christmas with a combination of both excitement and dread. Many of us would admit to feeling hassled and a bit frantic in those hectic weeks leading up to Christmas.

Do we put too many expectations on ourselves? - the perfect tree, perfect presents, the perfect outfit, the perfect family…

EXPECTATIONS: Where do your expectations come from?

Memories of my childhood? Watching other families? Reading books or magazines? TV or Commercials? Holiday movies? Your own extended families? 

How realistic do these really sound when you think about them in your life?

How about creating a CHRISTMAS FANTASY? - your ideal Christmas holiday.

Disregarding all traditions, obligations and past compromises, Imagine ANYTHING. Keep or get rid of any activity….

What is your vision of a deeply satisfying Christmas celebration? - fills you with a sense of joy and peace.

What does it feel like? Who is there? What is involved? What is the scene or mood? How do you feel there? What kind of time, money and preparation does it require?

Which elements of your fantasy reflect wishful thinking? Which elements are do-able?

LESS/MORE: Compared to your real-life celebrations:

Think of one thing there is less of in your fantasy and one thing there is more of.

Think about a “Less Hectic, More Holy” Advent  - what would that look like in your world?

How might that be accomplished? 

What do we want to add more of?

How can we share the work? Is there anything we can give up?

This week: Perhaps you can identify just ONE thing you’d like to do differently this year that gets you one step closer to that ideal picture.

Our Prayer for this Advent Journey

Gracious God, you give to us of your abundance and we are grateful.

Rouse us from a life of mindless “wanting” and help us recognize what is truly important and what is expendable.

Reveal to us unexpected places of peace and simplicity.

Amen ~ Tracey E. Herzer


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