Guardian Angels News

Understanding Year C in the Liturgical Calendar

Posted by Father Joe Connelly on

The Catholic Church, in her wisdom, has designed the liturgical calendar to guide the faithful through the mysteries of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. This calendar follows a three-year cycle—Years A, B, and C—each focusing on a different set of Scripture readings for Sunday Mass. In Year C, which we are currently celebrating, the Gospel of Luke takes center stage.

The Gospel of Luke: A Gospel of Mercy and Joy

Luke’s Gospel is often called the “Gospel of Mercy” because of its emphasis on God’s compassion and love for all people, especially the marginalized. Throughout the liturgical year, we encounter parables unique to Luke, such as the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). These stories remind us of the boundless mercy of God and challenge us to extend that mercy to others.

Another hallmark of Luke’s Gospel is the joy that accompanies the Good News. From the angel’s announcement to Zechariah and Mary to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, Luke portrays the joy of encountering Christ. This theme calls us to reflect on how we, too, can live joyfully as disciples of Jesus.

A Year of Growth in Discipleship

Year C invites us to deepen our relationship with Christ by following His example of mercy and love. The Gospel readings often highlight Jesus’ ministry of healing, encouraging us to be His hands and feet in the world.

For instance, the Beatitudes in Luke (6:20-23) call us to adopt a perspective rooted in humility and trust in God. Likewise, the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (16:19-31) challenges us to care for the poor and recognize the dignity of every person.

Mary in the Gospel of Luke

Year C also offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is featured prominently in Luke’s Gospel. From the Annunciation to the Magnificat, Mary’s “yes” to God and her hymn of praise remind us of the importance of trust, humility, and openness to God’s will.

Living the Lessons of Year C

As we journey through Year C, let us immerse ourselves in the Gospel of Luke, listening attentively to the Word of God proclaimed at Mass. The Church provides us with this gift of Scripture to form us as disciples and to help us encounter Christ in a deeper way.

This year, may we respond to the call to grow in mercy, joy, and love for God and neighbor. Through prayer, the sacraments, and acts of charity, let us live out the Gospel message proclaimed each Sunday, becoming witnesses of Christ to the world.

May we, like Mary, proclaim with our lives: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46-47).

In Christ,

Fr. Joe Connelly


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