Hope for the Journey Home
Hope for the Journey Home - Status Update November 2024
Hope for the Journey Home shelter is now officially closed. The last families left in March 2024. Over the summer months, the Parish and Advisory Board explored options for use of the shelter/parish house. Options included looking for a partner to continue the ministry to serve families experiencing homelessness. At the end of the process, the decision was made by the Parish not to partner with a third party to operate a shelter and to pursue a different use for the parish house.
Currently, members of the HJH Advisory Board are coordinating an effort to identify organizations serving families and individuals experiencing homeless to donate the shelter’s tangible items to, including supplies, toys, linens, bedding, furniture, appliances, etc.
Once all tangible items have been donated, and all shelter expenses have been met, the Advisory Board and Parish will identify appropriate organizations to donate any remaining funds. A summary outlining the distribution of the shelter property and funds will be prepared and shared once all affairs are completed.
Please watch this webpage for updates.
The following letter was sent to the supporting faith communities and their coordinators: HJH Closing Letter