Caring and Support Ministry

Pastoral Care is the way we, as a Catholic Parish, stand in faith and compassion beside one another along life’s journey... especially during times of transition, illness or loss.

Pastoral Care and Support Ministry includes the following:

  • Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
  • Hospital/home parish
  • Funeral Ministry – description, services, procedure Calling parish, planning, luncheon
  • Quilts for the sick
  • Support Groups: Grief, Care Giving
  • Health and Wellness
  • Accessibility

Pastoral Staff Contact Information: 651-738-2223

Befriender Ministry

Befriender Ministry: These are compassionate, well-trained parishioners who are available to listen and be "present" in a caring, non-judgmental way to people in all kinds of difficult or transitional situations. Confidentiality is of utmost importance and strictly maintained.

Bereavement Ministry: Supports those who have lost a family member or a friend to death. Volunteer ministry opportunities include one to one support, serving on an advisory committee, helping to gather resources, assembling grief and loss literature packets for distribution, or serving as a support group facilitator.


When a Family Member is Dying: We want to support you. Call the Parish Office at 651-738-2223. 

Sacrament of the Dying: Formerly known as Last Rites, we now call the Sacrament of the Dying Viaticum, meaning “with you on the way.” Performed by a priest, it is the celebration of one’s final communion and offers nourishment for the journey into death and new life. Viaticum is best celebrated at the beginning of the dying process when family and friends can gather around the dying Christian in communion with them. While the dying process does not always lend itself to these guidelines, it is best to call the parish and make arrangements as early as possible so that family and friends can be gathered for the celebration.

Anointing of the Sick: If you are preparing for surgery or suffering with a serious illness, you are encouraged to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to strengthen you and offer you community support. The anointing may take place in the chapel with family and friends present, during a community Mass, or individually. You may contact the Parish Office for more information.

Prayer Quilts

Prayer Quilts may be requested by emailing Pat Beckmann at this link. We will get the word out to all Crafters and parishioners that prayers are needed. We will not mention specific names or circumstances. Prayers will be said, Pat will tie the quilt, Father Joe will bless it and the requester may pick it up in the Parish Office during office hours. 

“When we live out a spirituality of drawing nearer to others and seeking their welfare, our hearts are opened wide to the Lord’s greatest and most beautiful gifts. Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn something new about God.” EVANGELII GAUDIUM of the Holy Father Francis

Our lives and our faith grow, as we reach out to serve one another.

  • Sometimes we need help.
  • Sometimes we offer help.

In the give and take, we grow stronger as an individual and as a community.

There are many ways to serve at Guardian Angels, through offering or receiving help. Let us grow together!

Consider connecting with any of the Guardian Angels Ministries of Care and Support:

  • Funeral Mass Ministry: Coordinator, Sacristan, Funeral Lunch Help
  • Prayer Quilt Ministry
  • BeFriender Ministry
  • Grief Support
  • Disability Awareness

As we support one another, and request care, we learn something new about God.

© 2025 Guardian Angels Catholic Church   |   8260 4th Street North, Oakdale, MN US 55128