New Parishioner Information

How to Register to become a member:

1. We invite you to register to be a member of Guardian Angels through our online portal:  Online Portal
Click on "new user" and then please select Guardian Angels Oakdale, or you can print off a registration form (for mail in or drop off).
Please register to stay current on our announcements and publications as well as participate in activities and programs with ease.

2. Once you are registered in the parish you can set up your charitable giving by going to our giving tab

3. Guardian Angels Catholic Church has many ministries that allow us to love God and our neighbor through the generosity of our time and talent. Guardian Angels has many ministries that support parishioners, the community and others throughout the world. Descriptions of these ministries are found here

You can either print a copy of the time and talent interest form and return it to the Parish Office Time and Talent Form   Or submit an online time and talent interest online form here.

We look forward to welcoming you to the parish and having you provide your gifts to the church.

© 2025 Guardian Angels Catholic Church   |   8260 4th Street North, Oakdale, MN US 55128