Guardian Angels News

Lenten Book Club 2024

Posted by Lukas Steffensmeier on

What do demons think about us? What do we think about them? CS Lewis tells us there are two errors when thinking about devils. The first is to disbelieve in their existence. The second is to have an unhealthy interest in them. We have free will and demons cannot  force us to do anything...

Join our Community Kitchen

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Guardian Angels in partnership with Open Cupboard will host our first Community Meal Event for the homeless, those in need of a hot meal and those who are searching for community Saturday, April 13 after the 4:30 p.m. mass in Peter O’Neill Hall. Homelessness and people with food...

Uganda Trip Invitation

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My name is Fr. Zephirino Tumwejunise from Rubanda Parish-Kabale Diocese, Uganda in Easter Africa. Lake Victoria, the source of the Nile River is located in the southeastern part of Uganda. I was born to Frederick and Cecelia, who now both are deceased, may their souls rest in peace. I am the...

Lenten Small Group Registration is open!

Posted by Lukas Steffensmeier on

As Christians, we are called to follow Jesus. Christian life is not meant to be lived alone, but rather in communion with others. Jesus shows us this by starting the Church. Further, Jesus taught his followers to live in community by forming the 12 Apostles. Guardian Angels is a big community...

Guardian Angels welcomes new Trustee

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On January 1, Steve Sims began a two-year term as trustee for our parish. Steve comes to this role with a variety of valuable experiences.He began his professional career as a teacher of junior high science and religion and later moved into school administration. He served as principal at both...

Prayer for Souls in Purgatory

Posted by Deacon Michael Braun on

In this article, we seek to shed light on the Catholic teachings surrounding purgatory and prayer for the holy souls in purgatory. The Last Four Things The last four things in life are death, judgement, heaven, and hell. At the moment of death, everyone is judged by God based on their life...

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