Guardian Angels News

Who Are You?

Posted by Michael Braun on

  It is the middle of September already; and this has me starting to think about the approaching fall weather. Many of you might not like to think about fall, I can understand – winter comes soon enough.  In the gospel this weekend Jesus asks us a very hard question. You could...

Small Groups are Returning

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Summer is almost over, which means most of us are settling back into routine life. Looking for something life-giving to add to your routine? Wanting to meet new people? Or just looking for someone to share your summer stories with? Try joining a small group! Small groups meet weekly from...

Introducing Our New Funeral Planning Packet

Posted by Father Joe Connelly on

Dear Parishioners, We are pleased to announce the introduction of a new funeral planning packet designed to streamline the process during one of life’s most challenging times. At Guardian Angels Catholic Church, we understand that planning a funeral can be overwhelming, and our goal is to...

From Deacon Will: Transition Note

Posted by Will Pitts on

Dear Beloved Parishioners of Guardian Angels, As I transition in my assignment as permanent deacon for The Church of Saint Peter Claver, I want to take this opportunity to say, “Thank You” to everyone that has played any part in my journey of faith. Please know that wherever my...

© 2025 Guardian Angels Catholic Church   |   8260 4th Street North, Oakdale, MN US 55128