Prayer Quilts


    Prayer Quilts are available to those who request one, as a sign that our collective community walks with an individual during times of trauma or poor health. Post-pandemic, we are prepared to again provide the opportunity for our parishioners to tie quilt knots as they pray for the individual.

    A requested quilt will be prepared by our GA Crafters and will be placed on a high table at the back of church with a small explanation of the person being prayed for and what the special need is. We will be brief and respect the privacy of the recipient. Once the knots are tied we will notify the individual who requested it.

    To request a prayer quilt or for more information, please email Pat Beckmann. Her email may be found here. Please share your request and she will contact you. Once the quilt is tied, she will contact you about how you can pick it up. Any other information or questions may be directed to Pastoral Care Minister MaryPat Potts at 651-789-3178. Please leave a message if there is no answer.

    © 2025 Guardian Angels Catholic Church   |   8260 4th Street North, Oakdale, MN US 55128