Time & Talent 2023


    Guardian Angels Catholic Church has many ministries that allow us to love God and our neighbor through the generosity of our time and talent. Guardian Angels has many ministries that support parishioners, the community and others throughout the world. This year, Guardian Angels is targeting our Time & Talent requests to Ministries where we currently lack volunteer resources. This targeted approach will allow us to better support those ministries where the need exists.

    Guardian Angels has a multitude of opportunities for engagement. Listed below are ministries which are newest or most in need of dedicated volunteers. Descriptions of these ministries can be found on the accompanying page. We encourage you to prayerfully consider your gifts and how they could best serve the ministry needs in our parish. 

    Please only fill out a paper form or the online form. Please do not complete both.

    © 2025 Guardian Angels Catholic Church   |   8260 4th Street North, Oakdale, MN US 55128